ΜΕ.Κ.Δ.Ε. του Ε.Μ.Π.

για την προστασία και ανάπτυξη του ορεινού περιβάλλοντος
και των τοπικών ευρωπαϊκών πολιτισμών

Αρχική σελίδα ΜΕ.Κ.Δ.Ε.

M.I.R.C. of the N.T.U.A.

for the protection and development of mountainous environment
and local European cultures



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Integrated Development

"Interact Pro Monte" project http://www.interact.promonte.net/

Alpine Space Programme http://www.alpinespace.org/

Centre for Development and Environment http://www.cde.unibe.ch/Regions.asp 

Cordilleras Hermanas http://www.lamolina.edu.pe/cordillerashermanas

International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) http://www.ifad.org/operations/projects/index.htm

INTERREG IIIC Programme, "Euromountains.net" –project http://www.euromountains.net/

Mountain GeoPortal, Informed Decision Making for Integrated Mountain Development  http://menris.icimod.net/

Mountain Oriented Network Technology http://www.uibk.ac.at/diamont/

Mountain Sustainability: Transforming Research into Practice http://www.mountaintrip.eu/

Mountain Voices, Panos Oral Testimony Programme http://www.mountainvoices.org/

MOUNTLAND: Sustainable land-use practices in mountain regions: Integrative analysis of ecosystem dynamics under global change, socio-economic impacts and policy implications, Part of the “Swiss Experiment” e-science platform http://www.cces.ethz.ch/projects/sulu/MOUNTLAND

Projects of the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) http://www.icimod.org/?page=prog

Sustainability Indicators for South Tyrol, EURAC http://www.sustainability.bz.it/

The Global Mountain Program (GMP) http://www.cipotato.org/gmp/ 

The Names of the Mountains, INST ("Research Institute for Austrian and International Literature and Cultural Studies", Vienna) Global Project http://www.inst.at/berge/index_e.htm

The SARD-M Project (Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development, Mountain Policy Project) http://www.fao.org/sard/sard-m/

Virtual Montana http://www.virtualmontana.org


Sustainable Development

Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project (ASAP) http://www.asapconnections.org/ 

Electronic Networking for Sustainable Mountain Development http://www.idrc.ca/en/ev-9720-201-1-DO_TOPIC.html

Implementation of Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development In Alpine Mountains (IMALP) http://www.alpes-du-nord.com/imalp/

Project: «Sustainable development of Caucasus mountain regions - local agenda XXI» http://reports.rusrec.ru/en/node/1085 

Rural Development Project in the Eastern Middle Atlas Mountains http://www.ifad.org/english/operations/pn/mar/i685ma/index.htm

Sustainability of Mountains, University of Manitoba, Canada http://www.umanitoba.ca/institutes/natural_resources/mountain/

The Mountain Project, Dolcelab http://www.dolcelab.org/mountain/

UNU (United Nations University) Project on Sustainable Mountain Development http://www.unu.edu/env/mountains/

Οικονομική αξιοποίηση της φυσικής και πολιτιστικής κληρονομιάς των ορεινών περιοχών της Μεσογείου / INTERREG IIIC SOUTH http://www.mediterritage.eu


Biodiversity / Natural Resources / Climate Change

AdaptAlp: Adaptation to Climate Change in the Alps http://www.adaptalp.org/

AlpEnergyWood Project http://www.alpenergywood.org/

Alpine Safety, Security & Informational Services and Technologies (ASSIST) Project http://www.assist-gmes.org/

Alp-Water-Scarce: Water Management Strategies Against Water Scarcity in the Alps http://www.alpwaterscarce.eu/

ClimAlpTour project http://www.climalptour.eu/

Climate Change Adaptation by Spatial Planning in the Alpine Space (CLISP) http://www.clisp.eu/

Ecconect: Restoring the Web of Life http://www.econnectproject.eu/cms/

Euro-limpacs, valuating the Impacts of Global Change on European Freshwater Ecosystems http://www.eurolimpacs.ucl.ac.uk/

FjällMISTRA - Sustainable management in the mountain region, Sweden http://www.mistra.org/fjallmistraweb

Forests in Sustainable Mountain Development http://www.iufro.org/science/task-forces/former-task-forces/5/

Global Change and Mountain Regions (GLOCHAMORE) http://mri.scnatweb.ch/projects/glochamore/

Global Environmental Facility (GEF), Mountain Biodiversity Projects http://www.undp.org/gef/05/portfolio/biodiversity.html

Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment (GMBA) http://gmba.unibas.ch

Global Terrestrial Observing System, the Mountain Module (GTOS) http://www.fao.org/gtos/tems/mod_mou.jsp

Mountain Areas Conservancy Project (MACP) http://www.macp-pk.org

Mountain Biodiversity Portal http://www.mountainbiodiversity.org/

Mountain Biosphere Reserves (MAB UNESCO) http://www.unesco.org/mab/

Mountain Invasions Research Network (MIREN) http://www.miren.ethz.ch

Mountains and Mountain Forests, UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre http://www.unep-wcmc.org/habitats/mountains/index.htm

PhenoALP, better understanding of phonological changes due to climate change in Alps http://www.phenoalp.eu/

The Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments (GLORIA) http://www.gloria.ac.at/res/gloria_home/

The UNLV Yucca Mountain Education Project http://esd.lbl. gov/NW/ymp.html



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