

Ανακοίνωση σε σχέση με το Πανεπιστήμιο West Chester της Πενσυλβάνια

SENT ON BEHALF OF Dr. Greg R. Weisenstein

I want to take this opportunity to introduce West Chester University of Pennsylvania, one of the most up-and-coming universities in the nation.  West Chester University’s annual report is now available online at the following link: http://www.wcupa.edu/president/annualReport.asp

This report shares a few of the accomplishments and qualities that contribute to the strong WCU pride felt by our students, alumni, and faculty and staff and by our many friends and partners.

 I invite you to examine the report and learn some of the reasons why admission to WCU is especially prized among our region’s students and why WCU is attracting national and international interest and involvement.



Greg R. Weisenstein, Ed. D.


West Chester University of Pennsylvania