
Student Exchange Programmes

The students' exchange programmes give students the opportunity to attend courses in another European country, for a period of time that can range from three months to one academic year. During their stay abroad, the students have to attend courses that correspond to the ones of their normal semester, and pass the exams for them. These courses are recognised by N.T.U.A. when the student returns to Greece.

Student Εxchange:

While abroad, the students also have the opportunity to work on their diploma or Ph.D. thesis. Finally, through special programmes, students are given the chance to obtain professional experience (subsidized) in a foreign country during their summer holidays, working as trainees.

  1. ERASMUS - This program allows students to attend courses in any University of a country member of the European Union with which the N.T.U.A. has signed a bilateral agreement, securing at the same time the acknowledgment of their studies. For the Academic year 1998-99, N.T.U.A. has signed 70 bilateral contracts of cooperation within the Socrates programme with an equivalent number of European Universities. Since 1989, about 300 students have participated in such exchanges. The period of study in a European University ranges from three months to one academic year.
    To cover extra expenses corresponding to the cost of living in the host country, an amount of about 250 EURO per month is granted by the European Union (EU) through the ERASMUS scholarships programme. In addition, the N.T.U.A. grants extra scholarships to Greek students participating in the ERASMUS exchange programme, to support their effort to acquire knowledge and experience.
    Students, both undergraduate and postgraduate, who wish to go abroad need to know the language of the country they intend to go to. Respectively, foreign students who wish to attend courses in the N.T.U.A. need to know the Greek language, as all lessons are taught in Greek. However, those wishing to work on their diploma or doctorate thesis do not have to know the language, as they do not attend courses of the normal curriculum. Each exchange is supervised by a member of the academic staff who is the Academic Advisor, responsible for the bilateral agreement. The selection of candidates is made by a special Departments' Committee using criteria set by the University (social and financial).
    As a rule, students participating in this programme should be at least in the second year of their studies, although the procedures necessary to obtain the scholarship need to start at least 3 months earlier.

    SOCRATES Office,
    tel. +30 210 7721950,
    Fax: +30 210 772 1949
    ERASMUS Office,

    The office is open between 08:15 am to 14:30 pm.

  2. Tempus (Phare) - This programme concerns the co-operation between European Union and (former) Eastern European countries, and was especially designed to promote the development of systems for Higher Education in the latter. In the framework of Tempus programme, financial aid is allotted for the co-operation of Educational Institutions of Higher Education in the fields of research and technological development as well as for educational matters, exchanges of under-graduate and graduate students, and of the research and teaching staff .
  3. N.T.U.A. has been participating in the Tempus programme since 1991 in the fields of Communication, Computing, Telematics, Metallurgy, Naval Engineering, Industrial research, Environment , training of civil engineers etc.

  4. International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE) - N.T.U.A has been a member of (IAESTE) since 1958. The project provides exclusive professional employment to Greek students during the summer in foreign technical enterprises or University labs. This employment is subsidised by the enterprises themselves which, at the beginning of each year, announce the available positions as well as the conditions that the students must fulfill. I.A.E.S.T.E. also sees to the temporary employment of a corresponding number of foreign students in Greek technical companies. The exchange of students takes place mostly during summer holidays (July - September), although other arrangements could be made throughout the year.

    tel. +30 210 7721936

  5. Association des Etats Generaux des Etudiants de l'Europe (AEGEE) - AEGEE is an independent European non-profit Association for students and new scientists. It was founded in 1985 in Paris and today has branches in 150 Universities, mostly in the European Union, and approximately 17.000 members. The aim of AEGEE is to promote the idea of a European consciousness and the cooperation among young people, particularly among the members of the European students' community. To achieve this aim, AEGEE organizes conferences and meetings of European and scientific interest, and promotes the students' exchange all over Europe. The Athens AEGEE was established in 1986 and numbers about 500 members. Since 1986, it has organized several events such as educational trips, conferences, seminars and meetings on various subjects.

    tel. +30 10 8838974